Things running on schedule-complaints, if cooperable. Add a idea or company similarity. 100.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

How do you perceive openness?

If you were trying to get me to listen to a nurse in psyche training yo you would be treating me to listen to yourself. I've been told of auditory hallucinations at least
8 times in the past year. They have told me this to see if was me or real but I still think it is the neighbors. When this echo stops is when I finally don't listen to either one. I think the over training might be something to do with it because no one can tell their own outcome an these are negative feelings.
I know its probably side effect. Who ever heard about telling somebody if you had chats with a spirit or other world? I do. This happens when I get to sleepy but i don't have to told and like to explain it. The only channel mixed it up is what I just explained. If you tap you mind and mental powers your are bring to surface you. It is not a person that has exterior bounds. I practice this karma and have intrinsic success but I need help telling Doc.
Are you sucked by this paradigm and letting it go? I would say to use this on your motives. Let that negative work on your side by befriending that opponent that is silent or subversive. Who doesn't take criticism is caught between the id and the ego. he could be passive aggressive or just thinking about something else.
If you have a solution I would like to hear it. I'm tired of "hearing things."

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Are you visiting someone? Well maybe not. This notion may be saved for a sports event. And I think this part of the history of contests could be scracthed from the one part of what we used to call eat-em up. So many times how have we lost to the only thing that supposed to help us?
This is what I call intervention that may seem unduly. It is also necessary for us to live.
Being liberal in nature I let myself see this viewpoint instead of making a bold decision.
Empowerment is in the office of the majority: therefore more followers have the intelligent opinion over subtle factors.
So What?
Rebellion is the only way to "free" silencers.
This is just a objective idea that so many times I am passive to understand why so many people deviate from what they Know to be politically correct. As far as the health reformation in some places this was not the intention of lawmakers to be rebellious. It could not be "voted" out.
States will never get the call.

Friday, January 29, 2010

no connection

Not trying to make to a joke out computer programming. That is what today my intention to relate to followers of their new found trade of site mangement. I know it sounds simple to say that a toy is broken but it is a reality to fix it. We can always try to use it but can we have patience to know either how its ready or when is it our turn I would think I probably was'nt looking at the moon. Its that old habit of trying to reinvent the wheel. "If its not broke don't fix it," and you should'nt think it a perfect match to everything included. If you don,t succeed what? Thank,s for calling.
Computer businesses is a new field whereas domputing has been around for a while. Selling other products should then be the same as something on the shelf. It might be their for a while or it go fast. Will their always be enough for you? I think so.
We will be perfect when when we invent a perfect machine.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Where is your recordings?

Is that the old timers have taken over the rock market or am I now an old timer. What is the real age of Spriengsteen and Jones? He's been at it a while. These players are getting good because they still play alot. I really don't see an emerging style even though my changes with th times. 1.Refinement is good 2.Buy more CDs. 3.Play
Greg Jordan

Thursday, January 21, 2010

My light

Exactly just that. Whatever it is I feel wherever it is I know I'm almays trying to set out a faithful impression that somebody will remember. Right as I mame this recording (one you may remember) I know people are from my past are actually thinking about the time I had saw them. Making them like me is not chosen although it might have been partly so I would advice to me to remember try to be spiritually intact and reach yourself and your expections.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

selling yourself

In trying to make acouple extra dollars I took courses on giving a customer edge to sell a product. I used to say that I am so-called goog at selling myself later to find out that this actually meandt something else.
Recently I found that I would break all seven rules of giving a sales presentation. Could it be that is something to do with this pattern. Give me your trick and I'll try to convert it into an ad. After all don't leave out customer influence.
If you have a ad idea or program you want to promote e-mail at
I know several ways. Stay excited.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Do you know internet slang?

list of common abbreviations.
:(or:-) I'm happy %-) I've been at this too long
:D or :-D I'm laughing :p or -p Sticking my toungue out
;) or;-) I'm winking grinning
:( or:-( Unhappy very big grin
;( or ;-( Crying <1> laughing
:1 or :-1 Don't care laughing out loud
:/ or :-/ Skeptical
:# or :# My lips are sealed Sighing
:> or :-> Devish grin Just kidding
::^) Smirking <> No comment
Try to lighten up your e-mail or website.